Howl Bushcraft

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Episode Five - Dove Stone Reservoir and the Ashway Memorial

Welcome to

Hiking with Howl

Episode five

The recording is meant act as a guide if you’re taking the walk for yourself, think of us as your audio companions to highlight points of interest and generally offer some conversation during sections of your walk.

If you’re listening at home, enter an immersive experience of nature, crunching leaves, trickling streams, high winds at times, and two friends holding discourse in the outdoors.

This month JD and Max head out for a wonderful short afternoon walk in Max’s childhood stomping grounds. We visit the Dove Stone Reservoir as we pass towards an old quarry wall, looking for a small gully in which to ascend to the top. There is a gently sloping trail from the waters to the tops too, so if you’d like to attempt the walk but avoid the scramble there’s an option for you. We also visit the memorial cross on Ashway Moss before descending to finish the walk.

It’s worth mentioning that the podcast is no substitute for a map, and the ability to read it. You’ll be walking at times in some pretty remote areas:

  • Make sure you’re confident in your abilities

  • Tell someone where you’re going and when you’re due back

  • Take a rucksack with a sensible set of kit

We’re also publishing each route through the Ordnance Survey online map service so members can access the detailed route card.

This months map is HERE

There is a high chance that you won’t have phone signal for the entirety of the walk, so be sure to download the episode to your

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Episode Five - Dove Stone Reservoir and Ashway Memorial Hiking with Howl